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Seven Things I Have Learned from Mary

September 6, 2020
September 8, 2020
PITIK-BULAG: Seven Things I Have Learned from Mary
Today, we celebrate the birth of our Mother Mary. Of all the Saints who are dear to us, Mary receives the greatest respect and honor for many reasons. When she gave her big UNCONDITIONAL YES to God to become the Mother of the Saviour, she allowed God to commence His great divine plan of saving humanity. It takes a great leap of faith to say yes to the mysterious will of God. Yet, Mary’s generous heart allowed her to cooperate with the salvific plan of God to restore the broken relationship of humanity to God.
What have you learned from Mary? Have you ever thought of this question? If Mary is here with us now in this pandemic, what do you think she will propose us to do? Are you disposed to listen to God like our Mother Mary?
Here are seven things I have learned from our Blessed Mother. Bring them in your prayer for your own consideration and profit from them:
1. LISTENING IS THE BEGINNING OF DISCIPLESHIP. Many agreed that when Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary, she was in her deep prayer. Genuine prayer unites our hearts to God and disposes us to listen to His voice.
What is your main desire when in prayer? Is it to ask God some favors? Or to listen to His will?
2. HONESTY IS A NECESSARY PRAYER DISPOSITION. When Mary learned from the angel of God’s mysterious plan, she candidly asked the angel, “How will it be? I am not yet married?” The angel happily gave an answer to her inquiry. Unlike Zechariah who was punished by the angel for questioning the will of God. Mary’s question came from her desire to know. Zechariah’s question came from his unbelief that Elizabeth could still be pregnant at her age.
What about you? Are you true to yourself and to God when in prayer? Are you honest with Him in prayer? Do you let it out your feelings to Him, even your resentment or questions to God?
3. UNION WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT BRINGS FULLNESS OF LIFE. There’s nothing impossible in God. When Mary submitted herself and allowed the Holy Spirit to overshadow her, she conceived God in her womb. Through the Holy Spirit, we unite ourselves in God and totally disposes us to cooperate with His divine plan.
How’s your relationship with the Holy Spirit? Do you desire to deepen your relationship with God through the Spirit?
4. OBEDIENCE IS THE GENEROSITY OF THE HEART. When the Angel announced to Mary of God’s divine plan, she was afraid, perplexed, and anxious. Yet, on the spot, she was able to give her big yes to God. She had a big generous heart to everyone, including to God. Her generosity to God was manifested in her obedience to God.
It is easier to be generous to people but not to God. Most of the time, we are happy to share our talents, time, and treasure to everyone. Ironically, we are not generous to God. For the generosity to God entails obeying His will. Sometimes, we are not yet ready to say yes to His will.
5. BE A PERSON FOR OTHERS. Selflessness brings sensitivity to the needs of others. When Mary learned that her cousin Elizabeth was pregnant at her old age. She realized the bigger danger her cousin would be facing. Mary set aside her own big issues to face, and run in haste to assist Elizabeth. She felt her cousin’s difficulty and desire for a companion in her pregnancy months.
In this pandemic, what occupies your mind? Are you in self-preserving mode or helping mode? Are you more sensitive to the needs of others? Are you willing to set aside your own fear and anxieties and assist the needy?
6. LEAVE YOUR COMFORT ZONES. There’s no miracle in the comfort zones. Growth happens when someone decides to leave his comfort zones and dare to risk himself into the unknown – that’s the adventure of faith. Take a step away from your comfort zones and make a difference to others now. Discipleship is tested in moments of darkness, anxieties, and uncertainties. Mary dared to leave her comfort zones when she gave her big yes to the Lord’s divine plan. She did know what lies beyond in the future, but she gave her full trust in God’s will.
Are you still in your comfort zones in this pandemic? What are your fears and anxieties? Would you like to hear the angel’s affirmation … “Do not fear, the Lord is with you. The Holy Spirit will overshadow you ….” The pandemic moment is the moment for us to rise and shine to bring God’s greater glory.
7. FAITH UNDER PRESSURE. Our faith is tested in times of crisis and not in good times. The pandemic is challenging our faith to the brim. Are you giving up? Are you throwing your towel and giving up your fight? Don’t dare to give up! Keep up the fight! In this trying moments of our spiritual life, this is the moment of courage and persistence. We are called to make a difference in our lives. Mary responded to the angel’s invitation to cooperate with the will of God. In spite of a lack of understanding of the will of God, her faith in God allowed her to transcend her fear and trust God.
What about you? Would you like to list your own seven lessons you have learned from Mother Mary? What are those?
Today is the birthday of our Mother Mary. She knows our needs and intercedes for us. But today, instead of asking something from her, let’s give her a personal gift. Something that will really make her happy by listening to her Son Jesus (John 2:5).
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOTHER MARY! Please intercede for us and bring to your Son Jesus our hearts’ innermost desires, especially in this pandemic.
– Fr. Willy M. Samson, SJ

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