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Love Over Fear

July 17, 2020
Magbantay, Magtiyaga at Magpatawad
July 19, 2020
PITIK-BULAG: Love Over Fear
The gospel today allows us to see Jesus as a SERVANT MESSIAH. He is determined to save people, especially the poor and the weak, and bring hope to everyone who lives in darkness. Nothing can stop Him from establishing the Kingdom of God, even the threat of the Pharisees who are plotting to kill Him. In His desire to please His Father, Jesus is determined to do everything IN THE NAME OF LOVE, even at the expense of giving up His life. Hidden in His overflowing gentleness and compassion, is His heart’s BOLDNESS AND AUDACITY TO BRING HOPE TO HUMANITY… IN THE NAME OF LOVE.
Written in the gospel are Jesus’ acts of bravery and gentleness. I am deeply amazed at how he disarmed the religious leaders with His wisdom, boldness, and kindness. They were threatened by His overflowing love and compassion. They secretly envied His love and mercy that can draw people closer to Him. But instead of being transformed by Jesus’ good words and works, the Pharisees closed their hearts and planned to kill Him. Their pride prohibited them from seeing Jesus as God’s chosen Messiah.
I am deeply amazed at how Jesus gently cared for the poor, outcast, and sick. Overflowing with compassion, he simply reached the poor and heal them all. Nothing could stop Him. LOVE SEES THE NEED, NOT HIS NEEDS. Not even the accusation, criticism, and threat of death could stop Him. LOVE IS WILLING TO BE WOUNDED FOR THE BELOVED. Like a broken reed, he gently holds us and heals our wounds. Through His mercy, we are healed. Like a smoldering wick, he simply soaks us in oil, to restore our GIFTEDNESS to bring light to the world. Through the Holy Spirit, He inflames our faith and be bold in discipleship.
In our present time of the pandemic, our faith in Jesus is being challenged. As Christians, we may not have the Pharisees to persecute us, but the dark situation we are in is challenging our faith relentlessly. We are living in a situation where everything is not unstable and uncontrollable. Some of us are beginning to question God’s love and presence. Am I giving up? Am I also asking, “God, where are you? How come you have left us?” Am I trapped in my own corner? Powerless, paralyzed, and hopeless? Do I see myself as a victim? Am I?
Or do I see myself as a disciple of Jesus? With great love and compassion, I decided to rise and shine. I decided to be part of the solution and not of the problem, to be part of the light and not of darkness, to bring hope to people and not curse the darkness, and to leave my comfort zones, and not just lick my wounds. I chose to be happy and hopeful every day. I opted to count my blessings and not my woes. I am a disciple of the Lord. I am called to heal bruised reeds and rekindle the flickering wick with hope!
Nothing should stop us from doing good. Nothing should disappoint us from taking bold steps to proclaim the love of God. We are servants of God. We are called to love in spite of being badly wounded. We set our eyes on Jesus and to the people who are suffering, and not on our wounds and limitations. Today, let’s imitate Jesus. Let’s shout out loud and say … “WE CHOSE TO LOVE. WE RISE AND SHINE FOR JESUS!”
“Choose love over fear always. Experiencing the burn after touching something true is better than not having known it. Better than not feeling anything. Better than lukewarm semi-comfort that only becomes discomfort. Don’t allow numbness to overtake you. It simply isn’t worth the widespread illusion of safety.” – Victoria Erickson, Writer
– Pitik-Bulag
July 18, 2020 – Saturday
Gospel Reading: Matthew 12: 14-21

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